Today started out like the other days, cloudy and looking to rain. The sun started to poke through as I was getting ready to ride.

I crossed in to Quebec and made my way up to Morin Heights to take some pictures of Le Studio.

If you are a Rush fan or April Wine or The Police or the Bee Gees or David Bowie, ya , well they all have recorded here at one time or another. It is called Rush's Abbey Road.

After reading an article about the run down state of this iconic recording studio I added it to my list of places to see.

A nice ride in the Laurentian mountains gets me from the camp site to Le Studio.

Upon arriving you can still see how nice this place would have looked in its prime. Now all boarded up, covered in graffiti and parts of it falling off.

Grab my camera and start taking pictures. As I walk past each door I try to see if it is open. Locked, borded up and sealed shut greets each try.

Once along one side I walk up to the door, not expecting anything to happen, and the door opens. With a quick glance around to see who is watching, no one, I go inside.

















I didn't go into some areas as I wasn't carrying a flashlight but got to see most of it.

From Le Studio was another nice ride through the Laurentians to Mirabel airport.

Mirabel airport has always held some weird fascination with me. This large airport that was used for thirty some years and was supposed to be the largest in the world, when completed, yet never grew beyond its original size. 

Sitting unused for close to ten years now except for the occasional film or television shoot inside. I was hoping to get some nice pictures of the airport and maybe because of my luck at Le Studio I was hoping to get some interior shots.

Which I did because they are tearing it down and I could zoom in on the interior or what was left of it. The large parking garages where already torn down and maybe  one quarter of the terminal was left.

The motel, still empty, the office building and the walkway to the parking structure still are there but for how long who knows.















After taking pictures it was then off to Goulet Moto Sports in Ste. Therese. I believe they are the largest Ural dealer in Canada or at least sell the most Urals. Picked up a litre of oil and then spent the next hour talking to Jimmy, a Ural owner from Sherbrooke who had just trailered his Ural to the shop for repairs.

So from there it was back along the Ottawa river to the camp site with a little bit of rain thrown in.


Video from day three



Map of day three



Garmin GPS data for day three

day 003 07-06-16